Where are the NSC Rockstar Leadership Tips?

Where are the NSC Rockstar Leadership Tips?

More than 100 leadership insights eternally at your fingertips

If you have been missing the NSC Rockstar Leadership Tips, they are actually only a click away! When you join SLAYNET, you will receive access to the entire library of videos that inspired my first journal and companion to No Thanks: 7 Ways to Say I’ll Just Include Myself, Slay Everyday! 52 Weeks to RockstarLeadership.

Get started now by clicking here or scan the QR Code. A rock-bottom, one time subscription fee gets you unlimited access to the entire library.

Want to get your hands on the journal?

If you are ready to map out the strategy to address your exceptional leadership aspirations, this journal is just what you need. I’ve curated 52 of the #NSCRockstarLeadership Tips videos into a journal that will take you through the entirety of next year to raise the bar on your leadership goals.

This colorful, 7×10 book is supersized and has a whopping 272 pages of advice, thought starters, journaling prompts, and positive psychology-based coaching and includes plenty of journaling space for you to strategize, write, doodle, or draw. It is also culturally nuanced and inclusive of women’s issues in the workplace.

Every week has a thought-starter, intention setting for the week, coaching questions, a midweek check-in, and an end-of-week review and calibration.

Grab yours on Amazon now.

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