Interesting Facts about The Culture Soup Podcast®️
✅ Entering it’s 7th year of production, the show has more than 315 episodes and is heard in more than 70 countries and on nearly every continent. It spent most of 2019 in the Top 10 on Apple Podcasts Business/Business News in the U.S. and maintains a standing in the Top 200 consistently in the U.S. and Great Britain…sometimes in Mexico and France. As a benchmark, there are more than a half billion podcasts. Recently, Black Enterprise editors named the show to a list of 35 podcasts to “download and listen to.’’ Afrotech called it a “must listen for tech entrepreneurs,” and Inside Podcasting called us one of the newest business shows that is “anything but boring.” It is one of the few, fully-produced shows that air on LinkedInLIVE that isn’t produced by a major brand.
✅ We don’t accept pitches. PR pros, it’s not worth the email or call. It really is a show with LMS and her friends. That said, she makes new friends everyday! The easy way to get to know her is to join one of her social networks and engage. She meets some of the most interesting people that way sometimes. Another way is to invite her to speak at your next event. It’s amazing how many new relationships she forms while on the road speaking. If you gel, and you really are that genuine and interesting, then you may just get an invite onto the show. #JustAskCher 🙂
✅ It truly is #UNSCRIPTED. Even LMS’s monologue and ending remarks are completely note-less. We provide guidance—general structure and chatter topics, but not exact questions. It truly is a conversation. But if you start talking about talking points, prep and etc, we will second guess why we invited you. It’s simple. Trust and chemistry is EVERYTHING on this show—and if you sound like a spokesperson that LMS doesn’t know, you could tank the show flow & rankings. We also believe that if you’ve mastered your craft, and you have a real GENUINE message that is YOUR authentic story, you should be able to roll with LMS who is totally unscripted, structured and professional and provides a truly safe space for her friends to be themselves. It doesn’t require a litany of guarantees before we record. Wrong show.
✅ LISTEN to a few of the shows. This page is the perfect place to start. There really is a formula. It really does show when you’ve never listened, or followed LMS’ writing, or heard her speak.?? It’s all the same content. Friends don’t let friends have boring podcasts!
✅ Also, please remember: LMS is not a member of the media. She doesn’t consider herself to be a “podcaster’ per se. She is a business woman with mad communications skills and a network that is bonkers. She just happens to have a platform with global reach, contributes to Black Enterprise as a thought leader, has journalism background in TV and is blessed with a voice for radio. ????