
Do you trust your gut?

Some of the ANTs are there for a real reason. I mentioned “survivor brain” last week. Imagine your ancestor, exposed in the bush. That sound of a twig breaking could signal a number of things. If you are a mother guarding her young, your first thought will likely be that it’s a predator. That feeling in your gut is pre-historic, and it’s caused by the ANTs—the automatic negative…

Living with intent can get you places!

Is your biggest flex that you’ve never actually sought a role in your career…people just came to you? I can relate. About 90% of the positions in my career were “taps on the shoulder.” But is this really a way to live? You’re excellent, don’t get me wrong, but what if you took that excellence and moved with a little intent? I’m not talking about making a move…

Transition into the new gig like the rockstar leader you are

So many of my clients have landed new gigs within the last several months, and many of them are looking for ways to look smart within their first 90 days of transitioning. It is important to be intentional and have a plan. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership Tip focuses on what to do while you’re still getting your footing, so you will look like the rockstar they hired you to be…

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