
Attend a Free Virtual Session to Boost Your Confidence

These are turbulent times for leaders. The job market and our cultural context are in seemingly constant flux. It’s more important than ever to build and maintain confidence. According to research from the Center for Creative Leadership, women who participate in leadership development experiences that are grounded in tenets of positive psychology and neuroscience experience a significant boost in confidence and overall leadership effectiveness. 💼 Calling all women…

Dear women leaders…

Don’t miss the chance to transform your leadership journey with SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy. We pushed the start date to later this spring. 🌐 Unlock Your Leadership Potential with SOAR DISCernIQ™️ SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy has evolved, and our latest offering, SOAR DISCernIQ™️, is a game-changer. This hybrid program seamlessly integrates a DiSC behavioral assessment with expert training and coaching, providing profound insights into communication, conflict resolution, and…

Apply for SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy, Supercharged🚀 with DISCernIQ 🚀

Dear women leaders… Don’t miss the chance to transform your leadership journey with SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy. We begin March 14! 🌐 Unlock Your Leadership Potential with SOAR DISCernIQ™️ SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy has evolved, and our latest offering, SOAR DISCernIQ™️, is a game-changer. This hybrid program seamlessly integrates a DiSC behavioral assessment with expert training and coaching, providing profound insights into communication, conflict resolution, and personal productivity.…

One leader’s profound transformation began at SOAR ✈️

Renda’s SWLA experience serves as a compelling illustration of how individuals can enter the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy cohort with an idea about their desires and goals, but upon immersing in the experience, undergo a transformative shift in perspective. In her case, she re-evaluated her overarching Value (with a capital V) and a reprioritization of her personal values (with lowercase v). Renda’s initial understanding of her aspirations and…

How SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy changed things for this executive 👠

Imagine this being you, with increased responsibility, offers with substantial raises coming from inside and out with perks and extraordinary growth opportunities. This is the reality for Joce, and we are so proud of her. SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy is now taking applications for our Spring 2024 Cohort and enrollment will not be complete without other high performing women leaders like you. We’re still offering 25% off tuition…

It’s time to get serious about 2024 📆

Gift yourself or someone you know with the gift of clarity, intent and a strong start to 2024. If you want to start 2024 with intention, sign up for the SOAR 1:1 Coaching Intensive. It’s four weeks, four 50-minute sessions over the course of one month. Embark on a transformative journey. The opportunities are endless. ➡️ Perhaps you are in the throes of Return to Office, or stand…

What to do now as 2023 comes to a close 📆

How can you finish the year strong with less than 3 weeks to go? Coach L. has some suggestions based in neuroscience, and it will help you to begin the new year with intentionality. Take a watch! If you want support with finishing strong this year and starting 2024 with intention, sign up for the SOAR 1:1 Coaching Intensive. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll experience: ✅ Discover…

Sign up for the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy Open House Today ✍🏽️

  We’re opening our doors to you! REGISTER and Click “Classes” You can still register for the SOAR Women’s Leadership Open House. Sign up for this FREE 30-minute session with Coach L. Michelle that will reveal what SOAR is all about. During the Open House, you’ll get an inside look at everything the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy has to offer: Dive into the syllabus Peek in on our…

What fear is holding you back from bossing up? 😨

  Last night, the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy spring cohort had their third session, and the topic was Bossing up: Pushing through fear to confidence.  And OHHHHH, the breakthroughs. Here is a snippet for you.  If you would like to join the SOAR on Demand membership, you can do that right now.  It’s only $179 a month.  You will have access to the very same course content as…

SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy

Don’t miss this opportunity for those focused on improving your chances at E-C-Suite roles. Introducing the SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy.   You will learn to Increase your influence Position yourself for executive leadership Overcome gender and cultural biases Increase your earning potential and transform your life! It is a 6-month, hybrid training and coaching opportunity with live training and group coaching sessions once a month, video on-demand modules…

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