L. Michelle Smith

I had conversations about stagecraft back during lockdown with clients often.

But now that more people are hybrid or back in the office I’ve noticed slippage. I’m here to remind you that how you show up on camera matters. I understand I have full on studio equipment and broadcast quality streaming that I use for online, virtual speaking engagements and remote TV appearances. You say, “but I’m an executive!“ Let me tell you: how you stage your shot on…

Elevate Your Phone Connections with I Style – Influence 🎉

Continuing our four-day series on DISC Styles Phone Communication, today, let’s unravel the vibrant world of Influence personalities. When communicating with the I Style over the phone, it’s all about upbeat and engaging conversations! 🎙️ What is important to the Influence Style on the Phone? – Upbeat, Engaging Conversations: Infuse energy into your talks. – Conversation: Starts with a lively, informal greeting. Loves to connect immediately through personal…

How to communicate with D Style on the phone – Dominance ☎️

Over the next four days, we’ll unravel the secrets of connecting with Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness behavioral styles over the phone. Whether you’re aware of your DISC Style or not, these insights will elevate your conversations. If you spot yourself or someone you know in these descriptions, let me know. In the fast-paced world of business, mastering communication with D Style personalities is key. So we’ve decoded…

Is there anything good about negative emotion?  🤔

I get asked about negative emotions often. At one of my book signings in DC, a leader told me that he was driven by the anger that resulted from his boss undermining him at work. I asked him if that was sustainable? What could be the cost? Another community member here on IG said that his anxiety had been driving him more than any positive emotion could. Well……

Book a History & Future Maker for your Women’s History Month Event  📆

As we approach Women’s History Month in March, I invite you to consider booking me as a speaker for your conferences and meetings. I am a history and future maker who will engage your leaders, inspire action, and provide evidence-based insights through compelling storytelling. While my schedule is filling up quickly with several events, I still have a few slots available for engagements. I specialize in working with…

Coach L talks about the power of connection with Vanessa J. Simmons of U4RIA

  The villain in the book is isolation, not only in my book, Yes Please! 7 Ways to Say I’m Entitled to the C-Suite, but in your narrative and mine too. It not only keeps us in fear, but it slows us down. Recently, I joined actress and founder Vanessa J. Simmons for a conversation about how to grab on to happiness so that we can live fuller…

A big named one at that—but somehow it seems that you’re still in the same place you were when you began the relationship. It’s been quite a ride though! The visibility. The social clout at work. The invites to creamy-center socials. But still…nothing to show for it. Has this happened to you? This is tough for any leader, but especially women and women of color because the stats…

🎥 Behind the scenes with Coach L. 🌟

I spent part of my morning in production in-studio today. I spend approximately 30% of my time each week in production. About 95% is in my own little office studio. Today, I ventured out to the studio where my latest audiobook for Yes Please! 📗 was produced. (Shout out to the talented James Kline!) However, the goal is the same no matter where I shoot: churn content that…

Eradicate your brain drain with these tips 🧠

You’ve felt mentally exhausted, but how real is “brain drain?” Watch this week’s Moment in The Circle to find out, and if there is anything you can do about it. There are some coaching questions here as well. Give it some thought. Put it into action. In the meantime, join us in The Circle, my online monthly growth group where we discuss monthly topics like this and meet…

Apply for SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy, Supercharged🚀 with DISCernIQ 🚀

Dear women leaders… Don’t miss the chance to transform your leadership journey with SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy. We begin March 14! 🌐 Unlock Your Leadership Potential with SOAR DISCernIQ™️ SOAR Women’s Leadership Academy has evolved, and our latest offering, SOAR DISCernIQ™️, is a game-changer. This hybrid program seamlessly integrates a DiSC behavioral assessment with expert training and coaching, providing profound insights into communication, conflict resolution, and personal productivity.…

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