
🎥 Behind the scenes with Coach L. 🌟

I spent part of my morning in production in-studio today. I spend approximately 30% of my time each week in production. About 95% is in my own little office studio. Today, I ventured out to the studio where my latest audiobook for Yes Please! 📗 was produced. (Shout out to the talented James Kline!) However, the goal is the same no matter where I shoot: churn content that…

Close out 2023  and start 2024 Strong with Coach L. 💪🏾

Here are some ways to round out the year with my evidence-based and credentialed support, because the year 2023 is virtually a wrap! With less than 3 weeks to go on the working calendar, you can still engage me, and also dig in to the attached to plan for your Q1 & Q2 2024 leadership experiences, for orgs and individuals. Reach out and let’s talk! – Coach L.

The reviews are in.

Our half-day workshop for tech leaders wanting to be intentional about their brands received high marks, including a top notch NPS score as well as five star reviews. Why? What else could be said about personal branding? How about the fact that you can execute an incredible personal brand without ever stepping on a platform to speak, launching a podcast, writing a blog post or a book, or…

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