
How to get clearer on the monkey business

Can you see the 500,000 pound gorilla pacing your floor? Inattentive blindness can be a hindrance to you in the workplace because it causes us not to see the larger context when we are super focused on what is in front of us. Today’s #NSCJournalPrompt asks a probing question that will help you to be intentional when attempting to navigate the monkey business that happens in every workplace.…

How to be more focused

Are you the ultimate cause of your lack of focus? 🤪 You’re training your brain to be distracted. 🧠 Did you know that you might be training your brain to be more distracted by “multitasking”? It’s called competitive neuroplasticity, according to neuroscience, and it is the act of overloading your brain with too many processes. Your brain actually re-organizes itself, training your brain to shorten your attention span.…

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