
Seeing your way through a tough time 👏🏽

When we started, Jennie was afraid. Return to office and an overwhelming sense of job insecurity had taken over. She wanted to land safely, but she learned that finding her peace and joy in the people, places and things she valued was her way of putting life and work in better perspective. Now, the threat of job loss is no longer, she has a new past time that…

This gremlin’s goal is to isolate you 👿

Go ahead… ask for help. Send the third gremlin that’s sabotaging your goals packing. This is the third gremlin working against your goal getting, and he will finish you off if you allow it. Working together with the twins overwhelm and overcommitment, lack of support can discourage any forward movement you may have for your goals. Watch Coach L. talk about what to do to banish this gremlin.…

The second goal gremlin spawned the first one.  😈

Have you been able to related to the gremlins that can sabotage your goal getting so far? Here is another one—and he spawned the first—overcommitment. Do you have a problem saying no? Join us for the NSC Coaching’s New Year Goal Getter Mastermind. In just three session 50-minute sessions that leverage the power of neuroscience, applied positive psychology and mindfulness, we will visualize and crystalize what your life…

This little gremlin may be doing big damage to your goals. 😈

This week, we’re discussing the three gremlins that can sabotage your goal getting. The first one is overwhelm. You know that you are overwhelmed if you are experiencing brain fog. Watch Coach L. talk about what it takes to terminate the little beast. I invite you to take some time to gain clarity, refocus, recalibrate and accelerate toward year end with an eye toward exceeding what you set…

📣 SPEAK UP: Participate in my latest project 🗣️

I need to hear from you if you fit the qualifications that I describe in the video. WATCH and follow the QR code, or click here. Thank you in advance for participating. I need just 50 more responses to round out the research.

Fall is coming…

And we are preparing personal and leadership experiences for you that will propel you into your winning season. Here is a preview of what’s to come. Be on the lookout for your chance to get involved in person or virtually. Some of our favorites are back, and we have a few new things as well. 📆Aug: Happy Anyway, FREE event w/ Dr Jeff & Coach L 💫NEW💫 📆Sept:…

Looking for a solution?

Get crystal clear about the problem first. If you need to get clear on a solution, start by clarifying the problem first. Coach L. Michelle discusses an easy way to get to clarity and alignment with your teams if you are working together to get to the same goal. Engage Coach L. Michelle for yourself and your team for training or executive coaching . Visit lmichellesmith.com and book…

It’s time to get real about the gremlin between your ears 🤔

Negative thoughts are hard to banish. It takes science, and it takes commitment. But mostly, it takes unlearning, and that means repetition and consistency. Watch Coach L. Michelle explain what to do…and then keep doing… the moment you hear from that “itty bitty committee” in your head.

Need more insight? 3 ways to get you back on track.

When I explore with leaders ways to get more creative, innovative or productive, I lean into what neuroscience tells us about how our brain functions, and how new habits can make all the difference. Lately, I’m spoken about moving from a calm and clear mind to focus, and how focus gets you to insight, but how can you ensure that you’re not just spouting data or being rote?…

Plan to do the work 👊🏽…No shortcuts in 2023

  In all of your intention and goal setting, vision boarding, do the work. It’s as simple as that. Shout out to Donielle Tyeskie,M.S. for our annual New Years rap session. WATCH the video here.

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