Rebuke the hustle. It’s a trick.

Rebuke the hustle. It’s a trick.

Interesting interaction with a major manufacturer in aerospace as they were inquiring about a speaking engagement. They were shocked when I appeared on the Zoom because they expected to interface with “my people.”

They were so excited and told me, “wow… you’re just… real.” I shared with them that it isn’t my intention to simply speak and get paid for it, but it was important to me to engage on a deeper level, that I can actually support their leaders from the stage and beyond in a way that is sustainable.

You see my mission is different. I could send the first and second assistant and be transactional… get the papers signed to stack the paper…but then what I share with my university students would certainly come to life and pay negative dividends.

Is the experience I create congruent with how I want my clients to feel after the encounter is over?

I need to show up in the warm manner that underscores my essence, my message. That reaction about being real… mission accomplished.

You see after two years straight of more than 40 speaking opps each (there are those that do that in a month 💀) , I knew that cutting that in half the following year, and then again the next would make my desire to be high touch a reality… and the value they receive makes them eager to pay what I’m worth without a blink.

I have since increased my time off the road, the smiles on leaders’, family and friends’ faces because their experience with me is also enriched…. I also smile, and am relaxed.

Quality over quantity.

They asked about following up… “do we email you or Joy or Carmen” I said, please email me and if I require their assistance, I’ll engage them.

You see, all the busyness may seem like the image you want to portray… you’re so busy you have to send “people.” But I’ve worked with major celebrities who prefer facetime with their clients. The climbers sent minions. The hall of famers, billionaires and A-listers just showed up for the meeting.

Both-and is possible if you are determined to deliver excellence and authenticity and value at all turns.

And it pays off in more than one way.

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