
How to know when you need to pull back.

You have two glasses. Fill the first glass with the time and effort you are giving to your company. Fill the other with what your company is giving you. Now compare them. Is “the math mathing?” Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.

Join LMS for a Conversation about Executive Coaching LIVE

  Wondering what executive coaching is like from a credentialed advisor that works with leaders from the Fortune 100? Join me LIVE for a free exploratory video call about executive and personal coaching. We will discuss what executive coaching is, the NSC Coaching process and how we infuse positive psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness to help you reach your goals. My clients range from Directors, Sr. Directors/Executive Directors/AVPs, VPs, SVPs…

How stress can help you to remember details

Stop the note taking, Sis. I understand that you want to remember everything when you are in that meeting; but not only does this undermine your position as a leader, it doesn’t allow you to fully tap into your brain’s superpowers. Did you know that science has proven that the mere stress and adrenaline from key moments in time put your mind’s ability to remember in high-gear. In…

How to get clearer on the monkey business

Can you see the 500,000 pound gorilla pacing your floor? Inattentive blindness can be a hindrance to you in the workplace because it causes us not to see the larger context when we are super focused on what is in front of us. Today’s #NSCJournalPrompt asks a probing question that will help you to be intentional when attempting to navigate the monkey business that happens in every workplace.…

How to be more focused

Are you the ultimate cause of your lack of focus? 🤪 You’re training your brain to be distracted. 🧠 Did you know that you might be training your brain to be more distracted by “multitasking”? It’s called competitive neuroplasticity, according to neuroscience, and it is the act of overloading your brain with too many processes. Your brain actually re-organizes itself, training your brain to shorten your attention span.…

The smartest way to enter a new role

  Start planning for your next 👏🏽 I know. It’s exciting, and you’ve wanted to be in this new role or on this big project for a while. You did it! Now it’s time to focus on the work before you. Absolutely. But, Sis, are you forgetting something? Sometimes we get to new roles and think that we will be there forever, or at least we act like…

Are you giving someone else the reins on your career? You just might be

I remember having a conversation with a trusted tribe member, a key member of my personal board of directors, after accepting an amazing role at a huge company. He was so excited about what I could do in the role, and I agreed. Then I turned to him and said, “…but everything has an expiration date.” He was stunned. He replied, “No, it doesn’t. You are going to…

    Women leaders, especially my women of color… are you pouring out without replenishing? You carry a heavy load. A stark reminder to lean in to your friends, family and therapist and be vulnerable when it counts most. We can’t get this history making, boundary breaker Cheslie Kryst back, but we can be smart about these big-octane, exceptional lives we lead. When you are on empty, tell…

Are you doing the “office housework”?

Ladies… do you pride yourself in taking copious notes in each meeting? Please stop. It’s called the “office housework” for a reason. According to research, more women than men are expected to take notes during meetings. Look, at some point you should be able to enter a meeting with complete focus, and come out knowing what you need to know and taking appropriate next steps without burying your…

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