Business Trends

Boss Moves:  Clear Your Calendar for the Day…with no warning.

… not because your ill.… not because it’s a light day.… not because of anything……but, because you *can*. This is for the eagles out there… sheer excellence, nothing less. Select your busiest day, the morning of, and simply clear it. Then “DND”your phone and auto response or delegate your emails. Why? ✅…because you place a premium on the white space to simply think and strategize your next move✅…because…

Are you living a double life?

Our parents taught us to do it. You know… Live two lives. It’s that form of code switching that just about every working person has tried at least once in their lives: other than a couple photos of family on the desktop wall paper or on your desk, you pretty much keep to yourself. All they know about you at the job is your work during business hours.…

How to Leverage Automation to Empower Your Team

“No one goes it alone.” You’ve heard that one before, and it’s true. But I joke that my business requires bodies and bots to make it tick. One way that I’ve been able to start up my businesses and make them viable quickly is technology. After all, I walk my talk about these “weapons of mass innovation.” No way it has ever been “just me” except for when…

EP 159: What’s Really Behind “The Great Resignation”?

  Does your workplace culture smell? It just might, and it didn’t just happen. There’s been a lot of conversation about why people are quitting their jobs. In fact, you know that I choose to refer to it as The Great Opt Out because what The Great Resignation ignores is the insight that people have more options than ever, thanks to the democratization of the Internet. I took…

How measures make your accomplishments matter

How are you doing against your goals? It isn’t that you aren’t meeting or exceeding them. You’re slaying everyday. It’s that you haven’t communicated the impact… You need measures. Today’s #NSCRockstarLeadership tip of the day focuses on two ways to make your accomplishments mean something—not only to you, but to the decision-makers and gatekeepers who can help move you closer to the C-Suite. And our focus is on…

Is it really imposter syndrome you are feeling?

Imposter syndrome has become a popular catch-all phrase for all sorts of self-doubt. But is what you are feeling really imposter syndrome? Let’s take a moment to talk about your confidence without all the trendy, arm-chair psychology that has become popular on the Internet and at women’s conferences. The term itself has been around since the 70s, but sometimes what you are feeling is simply a lack of…


Is the intentional experience people have with you. Everything you do to ensure it is simply an expression of it or an amplification of it. Your goal is to produce loyalty. Surprisingly, you can actually accomplish this with limited awareness. So if you only have three followers, it’s about them being true believers and if they are willing to jump into action for you—beyond likes and comments. What…

Global DE & I Summit (October 11-15)

  To all the FHamily in my social media community, I’m looking forward to making a little history with you at your first-ever Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit Oct 11-15. I’ll be sharing on two days at this internal event—Oct 12 & 13— hosting what I’m planning to be two thoughtful, reflective and actionable leadership development sessions. That means I will speak twice, and you’ll get double the…

Promoted to VP 6 Months Ago, 3 Months in, She Was Given GLOBAL Responsibility

Headline: Promoted to VP six months ago, 3 months in, she was given global responsibility. Industry: Global Financial Services How it was: She wanted to be promoted, but they said it was delayed because of the pandemic. She was disenchanted, especially because she is a tech expert in business that only had so many roles for someone at er rank. On the journey: She learned that everything she…

She Runs a Brand New Department at Her Agency and Is Hiring New Team Members

Headline: She runs a brand new department at her agency and is hiring new team members. Industry: Public Relations How it was: She joined an ad agency that didn’t see the value of PR, and therefore her own value as a strategic communicator. On the journey: She leveraged relationships at the top of the food chain, merchandised her excellence while growing client demands for more PR services. Though…

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